If Wang Baojiang marries you, are you willing?

Do not agree, not only I do not agree, I all kinswomans, the friend won't agree. This thing, just beginning is to sympathize with Wang Baojiang, arrived now, feel Ma Rong is too pitiful instead. Off the rails person is very much, off the rails woman is very much also, why be Ma Rong fall to everybody of mice crossing a street to call hit situation. Who dare assure to illness is done not have in him life, problem having a place lets countrywide person scold, this is kill without spilling blood of soft knife-a way of harming people imperceptibly really, how to after this lets Ma Rong, live, still be inferior to Wang Baojiang really one knife killed her, so, which followed Wang Baojiang femaly, feel without safety, on thin ice.

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