Is dog mouth very dirty? Be licked to there is much risk by the dog?

A lot of people cold-shoulder one of reasons of dog dog, it is dog dog very dirty, there is a bacterium on the body. Give no cause for more criticism, the dog has a bacterium really on dog body, but the life horn corner that the bacterium spreads all over us falls, can browbeat what give birth to life health to the person is not much.

Dog mouth after all dirty?

The mouth of dog dog is a when explore the world main tool, but do not mean dog mouth in very dirty. It is a dog not only, there also is a bacterium on the person's body.

Problem advocate respecting the goodwife of an England because of dog dog lick a kiss and the thing of be in hospital, notable is, this goodwife already more than 70, so immune force is relatively flimsy, another is a likelihood dog dog is the wound that licks her, just can appear the circumstance of a few infection, add dog dog healthy, have fixed check-up to make vaccine, formal without the article, specifically bright, so " dog mouth is very dirty, the health that can affect a person " this final conclusion does not hold water.

Why should dog dog lick person mouth?

The mouth of dog dog is equivalent to the person's hand, in small when can come through mouth the information all round collect and understanding, include their mom and oneself host.

Dog dog licks the person's face and mouth, it is a kind of nature, also be a kind of friendly expression, but a lot of moment, dog dog is the status that approves you, be enlightened licks a kiss too, will get your mood and information.

How should prevent

How does ① let dog dog reduce the behavior that licks a kiss:

If do not like dog dog,this is planted behavior, can close an eye, gangmaster shunt goes.

Young dog phase does not make dog dog beyond the mark lick a kiss, dog dog such, it is to express to be obedient to and be subject to. Do so when dog dog when, loud rebuke, can let dog dog be at a loss only, to express regret, can lick a kiss to get more frequent, arrive since counteractive.

Right way is dog dog when attacking to lick, push it first, make it sober come down, undertake touching again.

If the result is bad, can give a dog child bring drawing cord or necklace, when attacking to lick, pull, pacify gently, let dog dog sit next, award gives if obedience commands.

How does ② maintain sanitation of dog dog oral cavity:

The mouth of dog dog is time and clean, appropriative pet tooth brush perhaps bites glue, help dog dog undertakes cleanness.

Additional, dog dog is time inject is vaccinal, time drive bug, with respect to the question with big it doesn't matter.

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