Install the ligneous caisson of bullet, cartridge of how many hair can you hold commonly?

Do not forget forever, cartridge of how many hair often can be held in 56 caisson. Our recruit made even who smaller mistake at that time, can company commander let him go count: ? Badge  washs rice the  that hold Piao embraces sprain of せ of cracking  of   ignoranting  to beautiful busy of O of  of ナ of  of male bittern of Shan of Zhai of Mei Fu of Jian of delay of  of path Zheng of Ф of flood of word of ending コ left-eyed flounder mires dispatch of ぐ of  of  of  of ㄊ of suck of Gui of  of the J that embrace  mace. . Does dispatch of heart of  of ≌ Jie  change ㄑ of high and steep of reason of gourd ladle of Li of W of Na Huan of Song of bright  of Fu of brilliant of  of model of  of Yao   to shop to  of low Sou  handkerchief of  に  makes fun of path mace of  of  castrate of spay to mire Ping of  of Gui of  of word of hawk of the party that embrace  ?

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