Someone says Zhu Yuanzhang is an oppressor, why?

With us present eye looks, archaic emperor is the emperor, replace God all drive 10 thousand civilian, have the power of hold power over somebody's life and property to common people. Ants and mole crickets all is under the emperor, accordingly, the emperor is atrocious, include Zhu Yuanzhang.

Say Zhu Yuanzhang is atrocious, nothing more than, during his v/arc be on the throne, started 4 big cases. Imprint for nothing case, guo constant case, hu Weiyong case, turquoise case. These cases every embroil tens of thousands of person, it may be said is very atrocious.

In the meantime, other emperor is not atrocious, atrocious also. Especially before Song Chao, the Confucianist still is not when having absolutely dominant. The emperor meets what see common people when the person far from, especially before Tang Chao, found repeatedly Huang Zhizhi's Yang Jian, to build palace, the common people of confiscation also is casualty countless. Chinese fierce emperor also is not to kill a heart easily, be about to destroy person 3 a group of things with common features. There is the czar that Ren Yizhi weighs on the history, song Renzong, when Ming Xiaozong mood is bad, with respect to vent one's anger on sb who's not to blame at lady-in-waiting, eunuch, say a bastinado is killed, look now, also be atrocious.

Accordingly, atrocious it is opposite, of Zhu Yuanzhang atrocious what be aimed at mostly is official estate, these people are mastering speech authority, say he is atrocious no wonder.

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