Qing Chaoyi law should wear tail, how does the person of that bald and bareheaded do?

The clear acting record that knows according to me, of bald general thing of it doesn't matter, of bareheaded more safe and sound, just territory is wide without normal person.

Say bald above all, the person of bald, still have a hair, can wear tail, just braid is smaller than others just.

The Deng Shichang of hero of the folk that fight day of period of armour midday naval battle is fair, lead those who get naval force of the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning to send Yuan Jian in those days, fight gallantly enemy, brave sacrifice,

Making what the person wants to be less than is, deng Shichang is fair it is a baldicoot, bingle of official body of Deng world prosperous is bald, a nickname had to him in army at that time, cry " Deng a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by others " , because he is bald-headed, hair quantity is less than others, braid is so smaller than others also. Jia Wuhai is war, deng Shichang is fair fall into water, the faithful dog that he raises, once still jumped sea facies is saved, holding his tail with the mouth, when when people salvages Deng Shichang and his dog from sea mile, his dog has not put a mouth, still biting his braid. Faithful dog is such, exclaim making a person sobs unceasingly.

Visible, baldicoot is nodded in Qing Chaoyi insusceptible also, deng Shichang is fair different can join the army, euqally OK be an official?

Today will be on December 13, it is Nanjing massacre die in an accident person day of national public memorial ceremony, we not only the brethren that wants recall to be cruellied kill by Japanese aggressor in those days, remember national humiliation, also cannot forget the hero of two hundred and seventy-six million four hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and thirty-two folks of aggressor of the beat back on the history.

Next, baldicoot is safe usually, just the activity is so not as convenient as normal person.

Full Qing Dynasty is entered when closing, the person that once harbour is sent kills the adjuration that does not have condone, folk also has stay hair do not remain a head, leave a head not to take the view of hair, so a lot of devoted to big bright people with lofty ideals, some lives to protect the hair is brave go to dead, some lives in seclusion to do not wear tail mountain forest.

And live in seclusion of mountain forest, have 3 ways commonly, it is to do Taoism priest first, it is tonsure does a monk second, or shave does false bonze into bareheaded, 3 are to live in seclusion rise, do not go out, do not go into the street, do not see a person. Anyhow does not wear tail namely. Of bareheaded, do bonze namely, perhaps do false bonze. Some people did true bonze, nature is safe and sound. And of the bonze that make a holiday, go to the lavatory as normal person besides the activity, other everything is normal. When if fruit is honest,doing not have method, still can wear false tail.

The offspring of Chang Yuchun of hero of Ming Dynasty found a state, have constant too father, decide far Hou hereditarily, bright after dying, do not fall clear, be a monk with respect to tonsure. Forefathers praise says, "After opening smooth it may be said to have! " Chang Yuchun ever sealed a smooth king, friend says Chang Kaiping.

What full quiet place is aimed at is the person that harbour sends, without the person of the hair, criterion not very suffers embroil.

Again, quiet day tonsure makes, entering only that a period of time is especially other and strict after closing, namely when much Er ceremonial dress for royalty is act as regent, other time, although have,go up your, may not is carried out below so strict.

For example, there is a person that calls old Gou at the beginning of Ming Moqing, bright mountain forest lives in seclusion after dying, because cateran stages an armed rebellion, county group arms is chased after denounce cateran, transient his home, discover him actually harbour hair, without queue of have one's head shaved, caught then, report for duty the county makes over there.

Person of home village or town knows he is virtuous person, secretly discussing to want to go in road goal delivery of send under escort, after he hears of in the jail, checked, say not to think complicity villagers. The county makes cross-question him to know he is not cateran later, but he does not have tonsure, the county makes also feel he is virtuous person, oneself take errant definite view, report for duty went over there superior. Ranking official also feels he is virtuous person, did not embarrass he, put him.

So, although full Qing Chaoting has harbour hair to kill the adjuration that does not have condone, the official may not below is carried out strictly. After all, in officer of county of state seat of government, it is the Han people more very.

Arrived especially quiet day later period, evening, more comfortable. Do false braid infestation even, full clear government also is have no alternative. Lu Xun gentleman studies abroad in Japan, shave first, very look down upon those braid dish the clear country in the top of head student studying abroad, but, when he himself goes back to the motherland to get married with Zhu An, also had worn false tail.

Await in those days, the clear country that cut tail student studying abroad, after going back to the motherland, a lot of also have a false a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent. Because they are afraid of death,this is not is, still be to be overcome more very the fleer of domestic person, call them saucebox for instance, false foreign devil, go on the ave, also be become to make mind of bovine ghost snake.

Quiet day later period, do not wear tail repeatedly, do not have so much risk, baldicoot, bareheaded, can sleep without anxiety naturally.

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