Which 4 kinds of dogs is the bandog of 4 big King Kong on the world? Why?

The bandog with on the world a few powerful fighting capacity, it may be said is without number, and can unplug so that the head prepares between bandog group position, nothing is more... than these 4 kinds 4 kinds of feral and overbearing bandog!

Caucasian dog! This is to originate in Russia a kind of of Caucasian area large bandog, also be the bandog with the tallest type of build or figure on the world, even bigger than the Tibetan mastiff of our country circuit, itself is dog of herd of one stud stock looks after the house dog, the mission with Tibetan mastiff is almost identical, but nature is very sweeping, erupt force is powerful, aggressiveness is strong, feudal consciousness is powerful, fighting capacity and kill and wound a gender very doughty!

Earthy assist dog! This is a kind of when originate in Japan large bandog, itself also is a kind of major is large fight a dog, it is to replace bit dog of the United States and those who be born, disposition is fierce and cruel, aggressive, do not love to bark, right the person that inbreak likes to start do not have the attack of breath soundlessly, train hard, when be angry almost refuse to have anything to do with all kins and friends, harm oneself host exceedingly easily!

In inferior sheperd dog! This kind of dog is known as nomad Ares, type of build or figure is very tall, head and mouth are wider, the tooth bites join forces strong, have tenacity exceedingly, the volition is admirable, have extraordinary courage, dare to accept the challenge of any person that inbreak, and erupted powerful, fearless, and have strong protective desire to host, still can make a kind of outstanding bodyguard dog!

Bit dog! This is to originate in a kind of major of the United States to fight a dog, once be born, fashionable whole world, the disposition with absolutelying refuse to to rest, do not fear painful nerve and durable staying power, won the title of dog of on the world pipeful, this kind of dog, have intense aggressiveness to any dogs, but quite friendly to the person!

The 4 big bandog of above, between bandog bound, have the advantage that cannot nag, become the 4 big King Kong of bandog bound!

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