Fall ill be in hospital 40 days, 100 much savings remain two wool 6, how do you look?

I am accidental in the center was recommended to make next medical treatment equipment with sheet, homebred Dong Huayuan (medical treatment) machine, manufacturer sends middleman 1300, sell go out public hospital 25800 above, everybody thinks tall much more unusual. Sell go out twenty thousand and five calculated, small repair 779, repair in 2000 add, there still is in a steady stream of bad news material to provide a hospital ceaselessly during. It is on 1001 bad news material, factory price just wants 35. High-level management says from the back, every public hospital is such, some quoted price are higher, stock with goods of Korea machine home comes over just 7600, sell every public hospital, 158000 above. Are these so unusual expense not expensive? Complete disease does not have the patient, stay Zai kid namely, company management said again from the back, hospital doctor often should visit red bag, have a meal please, give a few smoke, sell the machine of the hospital of course, the doctor that purchase is to receive deduct a percentage from a sum of money (rake-off also goes) , this is a hospital gigantic expensive among them a Xiaoyuan because, I say do not have half word holiday, form of distressed and afflictive public medical treatment

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