3 jest, laughed at 7 days of my 7 night!

Harbin one brother divorced with daughter-in-law

Daughter-in-law gave him a piece of scrip, writing above: 145X154 ÷ D2:1G

This brother spent time of a few years

Just make clear what meaning: Of accomplish nothing without a single redeeming feature 2 force

Too TMD is abstruse! Do not have culture true dreariness!

3 jest, laughed at 7 days of my 7 night!

Husband and wife come home in the evening, wayside and abrupt jump out 3 hold big fellow of Dao Meng face: "Staking! Both of you can walk along, come home wait for a message. Come home wait for a message..

Husband chooses wife: "Wife goes quickly! " after waiting for wife to go far, person of 3 unconscious faces picks next masks: "Does Ni Ma look for you to hit a mahjong now so laborious? "Does Ni Ma look for you to hit a mahjong now so laborious??

The husband after 5 minutes calls wife: " hits 5000 toward Carrie, do not call the police, they say to close me to put a person tomorrow morning overnight. " the husband after ten minutes takes away 5000 battles to arrive from Carrie dawn.

Morrow husband comes home, wife attacks tearful say: "Crucial moment ability sees husband is good to mine, my what listens to you after husband!

3 jest, laughed at 7 days of my 7 night!

Recently very igneous pupil writes a composition: " my home "

My home has father mother and me, every morning we 3 people part company, each goes his own way, in the evening reach the same goal by different routes.

Father is architect, gesticulate on building site everyday; Mom is salesman, it is everyday before bar accept everything; I am a student, dumbstruck in the classroom everyday. We a 3 members share the same rotten tastes, the keep on good terms with everyone at the expense of principle in the home. But when my result is bad, father also internal feud, cruel and evil the ground is beaten so that I extremely admire; Mom is in look on indifferently aside, never be ready to help others for a just cause, sometimes even help a tyrant to do evil.

I take an exam every time after achievement comes down, 80 minutes of the following women's singles, 70 minutes of the following men's singles, 60 minutes of the following mixed double.

This is my home: A red-blooded home!

Teacher commment: This idiom applies so that the teacher also sighs oneself as! Close watch sympathizes with, your pa Mom is forge iron, iron hits you!

3 jest, laughed at 7 days of my 7 night!

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