Uterine prolapse, what movement to do to be helpful for restoring?

Often go up in gem gal class, can encounter a such member, she says her uterine prolapse, ask the action that has had helps her, be helpful for the refreshment of uterine prolapse, next the specific practice that we will introduce this motion.

Measure method:

1, above all, what we need to do is the dress that takes exercise loosely, easily is worn in practicing a process, additional preparation a cushion.

2, go up in cushion with the station of main station standing position of gem gal now, double leg is compact together, tighten up coxal muscle, abdominal muscle, carry on bosom, shoulder sinks, both hands nature is put in the body two side, the eye looks ahead, breathe naturally. We are apart now double foot, a bit wider than shoulder, point to toe ahead, expiratory, curve knee, crouch, maintain ham and ground parallel as far as possible, carry spinal column straightforward, breathe naturally, the upper part of the body stands straight.

3, redo, expiratory, curve knee, crouch, let our vertebral unbend, ham is parallel at the ground, compare this last a bit bigger. Hold natural breath. This movement can reduce us femoral is adipose, help uterus locates afresh, help restore uterine prolapse.


In the process that has this one campaign, we must notice to hold the time of this one motion. We should remember every time next crouching that want to compare last time importunate time is a few longer. In the process of the exercise, we also should notice our breath, preserve breathing nature.

[hope this answer can help you, doubt consults our doctor please, will solve freely for you]

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