Who is having to know it depict of Tang Dynasty line? Collect value how?

Friend, you this opens the door greatly, in Tang Dynasty inchoate, li Taibai resides Li Bai of celestial being of well-known poet poem the goblet of the mermaid below the month of a He Tianyu carve with a necessary journey, why to say it is a goblet, because Li Bai just often is met after wine,poetic inspiration is sent greatly, this goblet is Li Bai finishs take as the point of departure takes in Pan Jiayuan after the bright moon before the bed is smooth, circulate all the time up to now, save so complete fact to belong to not easy, the word of value, this article commented on a price at present to had achieved 5 all right in each sale 100 million, must be saved well, appreciate the space is very large still.

未经允许不得转载:Question » Who is having to know it depict of Tang Dynasty line? Collect value how?