Why can be meaty plant raised dead?

In last few years meaty plant gets of common people love, this kind of plant is having bright-coloured and luxuriant color, with the modelling with slow-witted lovely bud. But, at the same time in this we also discover a problem, the meaty plant that some buy does not have a few days not spirit. Cause death finally. Want to know why to can appear these phenomena, that reads this article!

1, illumination is not quite enough

Your home is indoor if daylighting is insufficient ideal is darker, that is about you put the plant on windowsill, sunshine compares enough place to undertake basking. If is put in dark environment, the plant won't undertake normal photosynthesis. Slowly because blade does not see sunshine, begin occurrence wither, send yellow phenomenon. If a bit light does not see,nod badly, that can catch black corrupt disease. Plant of entire finally plant dies entirely. So if the condition is finite, also should put the plant in when the light is good outdoor see more see light. Should not leave glass too close very much again, receive the severe test of sunshine.

2, water to bring about a plant too much " bubble bath "

Very much Hua Youdou feels meaty to the plant lacks moisture content, so from time to time can irrigate bit of water toward plant, this kind waters methodological time grows, our lovely meaty friend is in caress masterly below every day bubble is worn " clear water bath " . Some beautiful friend can say summer what blade evaporates is washy, want to water more so. The fact is not however such. Because although say moisture stores in great quantities,be in blade, but capacity also is finite. Not was necessary at all so many water. Water less still had better. If hair cast-in-place water is too much, blade has some of hair to fizzle out, that is about to stop in time to water, net value is not had put below sunshine to bask.

3, the nutrient in soil is too unripe

Face of cubic meter of earth is spent in the choice, chose the soil with expensive qualitative machine not carefully occasionally. This kind of soil is not particularly good, because this kind of soil goes against the permeability with good plant and catchment sex. Mix evaporate steamed stuffed bun is same, plant lives for a long time between a kind of fuggy environment, this kind of environment brings about root ministry decay, wither easily. Want to buy meaty and special soil so.

Basically solved hybrid of these 3 kinds of difficulty, the meaty plant of your home won't appear too much defect. Remember ten million cannot water

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