Novel: She passed through to become queen to ancient time, but in her heart, be content with not at

Novel: She passed through to become queen to ancient time, but in her heart, be content with not at all however

"Chinese ink... " call as, a hand push opens way of meaning of A of 8 king father door curtain, lowered his head to stride the door.

"Where is pomegranate? " see have king father only one person comes in, do not know why Jian Mo have some of insecurity actually.

"Chinese ink... this king sees you in light of father! " A meaning law did not pay attention to Jian Mo inquiry, before walking up, go sitting on bed edge edge.

Jian Mo raise eye eye, calm case is on the face of A meaning law, slightly astonishment, day, his how unripe so lofty Jun Lang? Oneself before male friend and he is compared is bug of short dwarf dried simply. Think of this, suddenly, jian Mo him feeling is just as on the face have a fever like very hot rise.

"Chinese ink, you are about to become emperor elder brother's wife, but you remember to this king, your body is this king father forever! His the emperor calculates a bird! " like the buttock that the face that 8 king a form of a address for an official or rich man resembles is dot a little while make water a little while of excrement.

Instantaneous heart-throb disappears immediately into thin air, jian Mo taking a few minutes to distain slightly, raised eyebrow a few times up and down, hum! Overmeasure of this girl within an inch of the smelly rogue that you do not have quality this! Looked sidelong at king father, turn to the face aside.

"You film of this gruff girl, dare go up the emperor is old bed, see this king a form of a address for an official or rich man how to eat you dry clean! " A meaning law is black face, raise old hand to stay in clutch Jian Mo pointed chin, say of firm firm ground.

"You let go! " Jian Mo more be fed up with this man.

With respect to a such abnormal fellow, does pomegranate still say for wool he is tender? Jian Mo frown is worn forehead, cannot understand.

"Chinese ink, go up afternoon sedan, let this king a form of a address for an official or rich man again kind kind? " A meaning law laughs in taking a sadness, a Jian Mo that will sit in the head of a bed hold in the arms case.

"Unlock! You let go! You this is scampish! " Jian Mo by him this sudden move was psyched out, flouncing off desperately in the bosom of A meaning law, tussle is worn, in the mouth ambiguous of the ground tongue-lashing.

"Bit franker! " A meaning law was berated, then " Peng " Jian Mo throw in the bed in the center of.

"You, you, how such overbearing! Still have the law? You is this strong... understand? Should get legal punish, should meet with judgement! " be forced urgent Jian Mo brandish wears two fat fat little hand, careless mutineer, struggling... forgetting this actually is when He De.

"With a ha breath out... very fierce small mouth, how is discovery done not have before this king? The what that the murmur in Di says is farfetched, return the law of the land? Is this king the law? With a ha breath out... does this king love you even more however this small wretch? sapidder than before ah! With a ha breath out... small good gracious! " A meaning way is saying ground of too impatient to wait attacks to go up...

"Help! Help! " thoroughly acedia Jian Mo cry for help aloud simply rise...

"Bearer! Save save me! Help! Somebody behave like a hooligan! Somebody behave like a hooligan!!

"Help! "Help!!

"Bright, does the smooth Pp of your bifurcation sleep? " king father sees a quilt soon in shining white, shine immediately in the eye sparkle.

"Ah! Who... who gives my trousers took off? Who... who gives my trousers took off??

Jian Mo the body that lowers his head stunnedly to looking at oneself, bei urges the ground to cry.

"Did not install, think this king as form of a address for an official or rich man at night? The imperial concubine that is about to become sleeve and not Where is heart pleasant? Or... that... did oneself start work? With a ha breath out... my small good gracious, this king father came! " agitato of A meaning law but strong embarrass is worn Jian Mo.

Jian Mo whole person stays, this tall man before looking at an eye comes over like tiger wolf pounce, her eye is shut, simply dicey?

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