Where to go after Cui Yongyuan leaves CCTV?

Actually Xiaocui is an actor all the time, " truth fact says " those who act is pretty good, the understanding of diagonally color and acting are on the dot. The audience before the television in succession boast Xiaocui: Those who act is good! Good a Xiaocui that wises and farsighted nimbly foursquare!

Later, xiaocui left CCTV, that arena is already insufficient he acted, or the part family that he considers to act does not have a design.

Leave the Xiaocui of CCTV, found a larger part as expected -- of justice reincarnate, the fighter of the truth. And also found an ideal stage -- invert gene.

On this arena, xiaocui is a main actor not just, still hold playwrite concurrently, director, dance beauty, prop. A person can a so big play, the wind unboiled water that act rises, the audience is like the cloud, many of vermicelli made from bean starch, solid belong to not easy, be worth to be small Cui Dianzan!

However, again good play, when also wanting to have wind up, xiaocui is character actor, play way is single, time grew hard to avoid to be able to make the audience produces aesthetic exhaustion.

When play code of passion, the play of pathos is piled up, when the play code of suspense acts, xiaocui knows, should change an arena again, widen play road.

This, he performed a businessman, this and he consistent play road contrast is too big, the audience is not accepted temporarily, it is original vermicelli made from bean starch, also be only " heart of Tang Ji scold " of the Xiaocui of type faithful embrace wholesale, the mercantile part to Xiaocui however not buy it, basically be the passion that sees Xiaocui play is free, the price of trade war play ticket that sees Xiaocui is too high. So also can bang the drum for sb, cannot sing the praises into the theater.

If life makes fun of, play is like life, show of small Cui Ru is too late, forgot oneself, it is a good actor after all.

He is acting persistently all the time.

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