Monthly pay the two people of 3000, what kind of life must now be too?

Monthly pay of true very difficult imagination two 3000, in home the city can live what kind of life now.

Breakfast, face of a bowl of companion already went up to present 4-5 from original 5 wool yuan, a poached eggs went up from 5 wool 3 yuan, face of the individual's so simplest in the morning a bowl of companion adds an egg, want 7 yuan of money the least, add the milk of a 250 milliliter, breakfast is about 10 yuan of money.

Chinese meal, a little bit decenter box meal, at least 20 yuan.

In the evening, come home to burn a dot to eat casually, fuel lights air-water of what, want 20 yuan the least, actually dinner can eat what 20 yuan, the person that pile up a word so is bachelor suppose, ab extra the member that lay a worker, 3 eat of a day.

A day of 3 eat, 50 yuan life, calculate basic can satiate, but do not talk to go up however have what nutrition, so although very province, came down to also want 1500 yuan at least in January.

Add telephone bill of expenses of chummage, transportation, phone, net what to expend the charge of 7788, in January 2000 yuan income, the person that work is mixed from oneself insufficient, so good calculate 3000 January firewood, even if is such, came down in January, impoverished also.

Again how the person of not good, also have oneself circle, some better friend, mutual between leave an eating house, go K of what of film of song, guard the threshing floor, that more money was tightened up.

Anyhow, the two monthly pay of 3000, hangzhou so the city cannot live, now, the village in the city is demolished in great quantities, if unit does not have dormitory, or the not accessorial allowance that rent a house, rent of very small room of one-room flat dweller most at least starts 2000 yuan.

Likelihood western monthly pay of a wide place in the road 3000 yuan two, still can hire small, can feed oneself, but also be dress warmly and ear one's fill only just, life quality should be not high.

In contemporary society, qian Zhen is being done not have in bag is to be able to not move a step, a lot of idea also were done not have, only An Ai is waited for in the home, so a lot of people are taking bubble side, hitting game to live, although the world outside is very wonderful, but do not belong to them, because money is done not have in bag.

The article by " Guo Pingjun history " release.

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