Why does the schoolboy feel Tong Liya is very good-looking generally?

Tong Liya's appearance is very good-looking natural beauty really actually, 3 front courtyard 5 look very harmonious the facial features of pieces of whole face is very full, and without what negative opinion also is almost inside the circle.

Look above all from eyebrow eye, absolutely facial features agrees degree very tall, brow does not calculate grumous but camber is good-looking, density just, the eye has a mind, double-fold eyelid width just accords with the temperament of pieces of whole face.

Saying nose, what I like most in Tong Liya's facial features is her nose, do not calculate under photograph comparing too tall, but very good-looking, very quite looked very comfortable also.

The girl of eddy having pear is held out really actually provoking those who love, tong Liya is such, laugh a bit to won't feel to resemble other female star looking very false in that way, how to look however very sweet, even if three years old of people that become Mom very sweet also.

Face still be pretty is important to a person actually, no matter Tong Liya is face or side face are very good-looking, face it is very good really. Long hair bingle Hold lives.

The style that attends activity, street to pat usually is very provoking also love.

Integrated above, should be typical goddess.

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