Did not get a marriage certificate, how does the child that gives birth to go up registered permanen

In us actually the country does not have maiden unripe children not to go up this says registered permanent residence. Just be in the time that practices family planning, because people fears to exceed unripe amerce, oneself dare not give the number of households and total population on the child, because this ability was caused so a kind of misunderstanding. The person that also gives a few have ulterior motives stayed handle.

Now, family planning policy relaxed, or else says to exceed unripe amerce, no matter children born in wedlock, return dispute children born in wedlock, want to taking the child's birth certificate only, to father or mother the police station of any one party can be entered on registered permanent residence. Procedure is very simple.

Our country now is legal society, everything handles affairs according to legal clause and legal order. Want you to have legal procedures only, any executing the law branch won't create difficulties for sb you.

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