How does industrial and commercial bank raise astral level?

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The original poster hello, the astral class of industrial and commercial bank, it is more important to be. Because a credit card raises the specified number him, an important and referenced basis. Still be respect of industrial and commercial bank, extend to you a of loan important and referenced basis.

So, class of star of industrial and commercial bank is in industrial and commercial bank according to you the respect is bought, buy product of conduct financial transactions, perhaps deposit money, or credit card consumption will decide.

So consumptive credit card consumes 10 thousand yuan. Can obtain value of 200 bits of stars! If be 10 thousand yuan to deposit money, can obtain value of 100 bits of stars! If be to buy product of conduct financial transactions, can obtain value of 200 bits of stars!

More than 500 bits of above are 4 stars class. More than 2000 bits of above are 5 stars class. More than 10 thousand bits of above are 6 stars class! More than 80 thousand yuan of above are 7 stars class. Industrial and commercial bank is top astral class is 7 stars class.

So actually in the means that these obtain new feature to be worth the most efficient way undertakes depositing money moving a brick namely. Buy namely next it is step by step win. It is step by step winning 2 is 50 thousand enough, it is step by step winning is 100 thousand buy. So through buying this, it is step by step win a product. Undertake iteration buying mixing resumptive! A metempsychosis can be obtained. 10 thousand yuan, it is value of 200 bits of stars! Can be bought all the time so and resumptive! Also be the valid idea that raises a star to be worth a dot so.

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