Lu Neng club is again foolish also won't the risk everyone's condemnation goes following a judgment to do, it is a state-owend enterprise what is more,the rather that more, not necessary. Lu Nengqiu is confused also do not have so great skill, who can oneself give money to exert oneself let this news ferment continuously, because pure to Lu Neng have deep love for? That is pure belong to gab. What get teach judge so is to follow him to have certainly celebrate a festival, can his judgment have what to celebrate a festival? Bold speculation one: 1, attracting a person during becoming a judge likely, be done; 2, the issue gives over there teach daughter-in-law. Or why incident gathers up his wife at the beginning came out, the form of total bureau basked in even sports the net to go up, what person is what can you check these stuffs? Sitting in Beijing mechanism rash can fan? So Lu Nengqiu confused the gun that be become to make. But person of Fu Yeting action is irritated. , calm rash can fan
Rash comfort big fight pushs Fu Ming where the wind and the waves are highest, can the club let Lu N
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