Baby a baby's completion of its first month of life weighs 12 jins, why is the 2nd month says to re

Be born weight is closer, the child is cleverer. Is your child born how many kilograms?

The expert thinks, when mature baby is born, weight limits is in 5 to 8 kilograms more appropriate, because be less than,5 kilograms are low weight baby, be more than 8 kilograms is giant baby. Weight is closer, the child is cleverer. Why?

One: Weight is close to 6 kilograms baby to have normal birth more likely, this is helpful for building normal breath after be born.

2: A lot of example prove, infantile weight is close to 6 kilograms more, oneself immunity force is more powerful, the risk of the sicken after be born is less, be born weight is too low and tremendous the risk that can increase cerebral paralysis.

So the child's weight is not to weigh better more, about 6 kilograms are the most appropriate. Is your baby born how many kilograms? How do you think?

(the picture above comes from Internet, the content of the article is true, not be fiction)

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