Does person of # bud star grow write down # loner to suit what to pet raise?

Does loner suit what to pet raise? I say next individuals suggest. I am a schoolgirl, arrive to like a dog very much all the time greatly as a child. Also had raised a few, the dog dog with the oldest now age is a Beijing of 16 years old cling to, it the tooth drops light basically now, but I still love it very much, still have 4 half moon control 2 ha. A small system that 3 months control compares bear, dog dog is human good friend, can shake like you when it is happy tail. When depending on you, meeting gangmaster extends you to let you feel. See them these warm result movements, in master heart very happy, what can let oneself forget the job to bring is tired out, also can alleviate the alone feeling of the old person. Decide a dot to feed to them everyday feed, belt go into the street smooth. Can increase the affinity between dog and host, the body also got taking exercise, although they can appear very leather one side. Want to be corrected in time only. Teach, time became long it is good dog!

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