Hello, the thank invites.
A lot of friends are in the process that take exercise, may want to go all the time ran, but very defy undertake couchant greatly, feel because of them what ran does not have to injure to knee namely, and crouch greatly to want you to drill only, your knee is met bad.
This is a kind of very wrong concept.
Crouch greatly, development of its lower limbs power to our whole is very helpful, and after the leg ministry muscle that strengthened you on certain level, can the better knee that protects you, avoid to get hurt below a few emergency.And after taking exercise for long, the joint to you and ligament also are to have take exercise certainly and promote action, can better firm your joint.
Because you are in athletic process,the injury of meniscus is normally, your crus and your ham knee joint appeared a few motion besides his physiology function, with respect to the avulsion that can cause semilunar valve.
Normally for our knee can have campaign inside a plane only, can bend only, cannot control place. And meniscus injury is the appearance that be buckled inside the knee in your process in development or is X leg in the process of ran normally, this moment your knee is the condition that is in a kind to disobey physiology function, what this moment is met us after certain concussion by it is crucial.And before had had a research, its needle crouchs greatly to be being mixed at ran, checked the pressure to knee joint, relative to character, if say ran his force that is 500 units to knee pressure. That crouchs a likelihood greatly is only 700.
But between this process, you want to know, ran, he to knee when frequency is very tall, crouch a likelihood greatly so, ten frequency, can continue to rest after the end
And the training as successive is correct movement, can strengthen your leg ministry muscle, can help you increase leg ministry stability instead.
So the proposal of my individual still is the validity that you must note a movement in athletic process, want a sieve to check his at the same time whether knee gets hurt, if got hurt not to drill again, if getting hurt, you do right movement to strengthen take exercise, but do not have any harms.This is my view, do you think to crouch greatly harmful to knee?