Hear Ming Dynasty has one wife serve 2 husbands, still have the custom of male male intermarriage, b

Certain zone of the China when Ming Dynasty still has one wife serve really the circumstance of 2 husbands, male male intermarriage, put to today, these two phenomena open type sexual relationship and homosexual namely. But did not make a mistake please, ming Dynasty produces this kind of situation, because their society idea is opened,not be. Rather, this is to be weighed for quite a long time male light female, male honour the idea of female low brings about.

Should explain these two kinds look be like unusual social appearance, speak of from the woman place of Ming Dynasty even.

Bo Zhengmin of Canadian Sinology home has written the book that studies history of yuan of bright period China originally, " struggling empire: Yuan with bright " , also be Ha Fozhong the hank in national history series. Female of Guo Yuanming period's low social class and the life state that are oppressed are told about inside, for instance, if the husband dies, husband home can bear the widow inside the age to apply to still be in pressure, ask she is in 5 years in remarry, lest her bread becomes the burden of husband home or the scandal that make be disloyal as a result of unwilling poverty. Again for instance, a lot of families are measured to control population, can kill the female baby be addicted to that is born at the boy first.

Killed the news of female baby is troubled by bubbling with noisely last year, what did not think of this dreariness is abusive have so long history unexpectedly, from appeared 500 years ago. Yuan bright period, kill baby the death that the direct cost of this thing is a female, and once female number drops, the male also is forced lone. This is about two phenomena that ask about in respecting title, it is polyandrous no matter, still be male male intermarriage, it is to answer " the woman is insufficient, bachelor is too much " method.

The data below still arranges from Bo Zhengmin " struggling empire: Yuan with bright " .

"One wife serve 2 husbands " it is anthropologist so called brother in all wife (Fraternal Polyandry) , namely brotherly number person closes the practice that marries a woman. Zhejiang is coastal a common says " towel Ao " place famed because of this kind of custom: Brother is the number that knows a house with pensile towel, elder brother is hanged first towel, criterion younger brother dare be not entered. Allegedly deficient home female welcome this kind of practice, because marry,give than marrying to brother alone child acquisition economic safeguard is more. Someone says is this kind of custom that Japan introduces first. The Yu Man that the method that this kind of conjecture often just perhaps manages disagreement converges smooths, but brother in all wife the high risk sex that goes to sea possibly also with local is concerned, as time passes is gone to by person extend the meaning Japan " the island smooths " on the body. Great treats 4 years (1491) , this custom is banned, the person that violate with bright law the wife blame of brother of the 392nd evil punish.

Of towel Ao in all wife although wind was banned, but the sexual demand of bachelor still exists, how to do? Among them a kind of practice is male male intermarriage, see the partial area of Yu Andong and Fujian more. In Chinese " male " the word is to go up " cropland " below " force " . Will among them " force " change " female " , became pair of men with same sex intermarriage say only. This kind of custom is likely also with nautical about, isolate for a long time with the female as a result of the male that go to sea, can turn to the male Shu beside to see sexual demand only, nevertheless, female number inadequacy is one of causes that cause normalization of this kind of practice.

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