Rural common saying " the home that swallow does not take anxious door " , be really such?

This common saying says rightly!

Here also so say, still be really such. I have two one-storey house now, live early when that house, swallow lives over together with my home, incubate is progenitive. Have 6 broods.

My home built new building now, move into new home. Swallow also is moved accordingly.

Former building is unused, can be swallow people did not live namely, moved completely!

Still have more peculiar appearance, it is the retail sales room that be in business. A lot of are next to, swallow gathers together one goes.

This lot still is exceptionally nice really!

Be apart from me a nearby Shang Zhi market, supermarket of Wang Hongwei hardware, it is swallow incubate a lot of.

I went to his home buying articles for use that day, master deeply swallow its are irritated, driving in brandish broom swallow.

I was told to him live the advantage of swallow, he put down broom, laughed.

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