Because give birth to the manage, reason such as psychology or society, all sorts of individual psychology processes or behavior means may appear unusual, when this kind of unusual degree reachs clammy level, we are psychogenic disorder with respect to what say. Psychogenic disorder basically includes the following fields:
1.Cognitive function is unusual: Serious psychogenic disorder patient can appear of cognitive function unusual, for instance the sensory occurrence deviation such as hearing, vision, occurrence phonism, photism is waited a moment;
2.Thinking is unusual: Attribute of form of the thinking content of psychogenic disorder patient, thinking, thinking may appear deviation, for instance depressed disease patient may have from the blame the idea of the self-condemned, and so on that be looked down on by others;
3.Of the mood unusual: The mood of psychogenic disorder patient often is different at the ordinary person, likelihood occurrence mood rising, affection arouses low, sentiment dimly, easily offend wait a circumstance a moment;
4.Course of diseases: Different psychogenic disorder patient needs to achieve talent of particular standard of course of diseases to be diagnosed clearly. Different disease also is to have time of different course of diseases, 2 a week, month, half an year are waited a moment;
5.Remove body obstacle: Of behavior of psychogenic disorder patient must eliminate above all unusually implement the likelihood of qualitative sex disease.
And character obstacle is the habitual kind that the person needs to play in the fixed behavior mode that patient from a child forms, daily activity. Character obstacle can affect thinking means of the patient, affection and volitional activity, make its behavior appears deviation, appear additional kind, extraordinary. And because of character obstacle, the patient often suffers anguish accordingly, or it is painful to make other is sufferred, bring bad influence to individual and society.
The category that the distinction with character obstacle and the greatest psychogenic disorder is a description is not same, psychology is unusual indicating content is more a few richer. Of behavior of character obstacle patient barpque and main result from psychological development level is unusual, on broad sense for, also belong to a psychology is unusual kind.