Do you think most what is the actor's lines that insults your intelligence quotient?

Want to say to insult the actor's lines of intelligence quotient, it is a day of one night does not say really, little picture loves to collect the material of this respect quite at ordinary times, come out choicely today a few, offer everybody one happy.

See this theme, the first picture that the float in brain reveals is Gu Tianle, certain also dope out comes to everybody I wanted what to say.

"6 court are defeated alone brachial knife bully Liu is masterly, but see his look,do not have flatly strange. But see his look,do not have flatly strange..

This word out " full moon machete " , if the Yang Guo in drama upstairs hears the opinion of this 3 people, estimation can cry dizzy in the toilet.

"Do not have strange Gu Tianle flatly " this stalk origin hereat, want to talk contemptuous intelligence quotient, this actor's lines is accorded with certainly.

The actor's lines that an out fights Phoebus theatrical work special also fire, the brain show that boil stays up late to amuse probably when playwrite writes a script.

"My grandfather is 9 years old when was killed bloodily by Japanese, I hate Japanese devil. I hate Japanese devil..

Hahahahahahaha, allow me to laugh ten minutes first. Such actor's lines is more than it is contemptuous audience intelligence quotient, forgot even morality of the basiccest biology knowledge, human relations.

Actor's lines of person of this kind of thunder in fighting Phoebus theatrical work actually is very much still, have famously " 8 years war of resistance against aggression began " , "I should use stone to come down the plane to scamper namely " , "800 lis of above, the machine gunner of devil of one gun dry " , "The way that China has an adage to call the body with those to return those " ...

Must say, giving the person that fights Phoebus drama to write a script is a talent, bluff of all one's life is She Yi's angel on.

Does everybody still remember the actor's lines of intelligence quotient of what affront person there is? The welcome leaves a message discuss.

Also hope everybody can give small vague impression to feedback, nod an assist for instance, nod an attention for instance.

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