What are 10 beautiful theatrical work that you feel best to look?

Pains collected N year drama anthology, to everybody grow stout benefit calculated. Looked say satisfy a craving, you are known.

1. " Sibadakesi " . Before including, pass, measure Jing drops chin.

2. " Rome " . The can that burn a brain compares historical novel of the Three Kingdoms, measure is not defeated by Sibadakesi.

3. " the game of influence " . This Fu child all knows. Saw old dream dragon Mom, already cannot breath out oneself.

4. " wind and cloud of the Holy City " . Goddess loves baby Glyn's play. So say, content of characters in a play does not like to wear the dress very much, hey hey.

5. " lustre dynasty " . Those who tell is henry the historical drama of 8 worlds. Drama appears: This brother's biggest favorite is, that thing, heavy taste can destroy 3 concept.

6. " affection of California blown away by wind " . It is the schoolbook of a younger sister simply. See a ball at the same time, learn at the same time, very pleased with oneself.

7. " shameless person " . If if you still retain,little highs moral principle, must not look: The meeting is broken one ground!

8. " great minds mature slowly " . Implement great work is good, still can make money, one collect changes a bed many times.

9. " desire affection " . Good, this drama, just now and then wear the dress.

10. " vicious people beauty " . All actress are authentic adult piece star. One collect at least one. Remember buying a few toilet paper more.

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