Why is Hunan called " Hunan " ?

In history of our country ancient time, hunan is not quite conspicuous, but be in modern on the history, hunan outshines the rest, gave countless people, heart concern the world, dare be a person first, made immortal contribution for the Chinese nation. Why does the place of spirit of ground of this an outstanding personality call Hunan? Be from what when begin?

Everybody knows, with aether with Shandong, Shanxi travel hill is a bound similar, hunan, Hubei is a bound with lake of hole front courtyard, major land is located in Hunan of lake of hole front courtyard south, call Hunan so. Hunan river is perforative Hunan its are complete condition, because this abbreviation is " Hunan " . Tang Song period, hunan Hunan, endowment, because catchment of Yuan, Li cultivates cotton rose extensively since ancient times, and have " lotus country " elegant say, have Tang poetry " autumn wind 10 thousand Li Furong countries " for card.

Hunan is located in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to Changjiang Delta mountain range of upland, Na Ling transfers formerly to Jiang Hanping region, southeast on the west 3 annulus hill, the east is in boundary of Hunan another name for Jiangxi Province is Luo Xiao mountain range, mountain range of the Five Ridges is south, southwest is snow peak mountain range, northwest is fierce hill mountain range. In upper relief is inferior, belong to upland model basin, north relies on the Yangtse River, north is Campagna of lake of hole front courtyard, whole physical features of a place behaves form of horse's hoof of asymmetry of ringent of the north that it is face. The main water system of churchyard is Shui Heli water of Hunan river, endowment river, Yuan these 4 great rivers, among them Hunan Jiang Youna is northerly and flow, it is the river with Hunan the mainest churchyard.

Although Hunan has a network of waterways that suits human fishing and hunting, have the alluvial Campagna that suits agriculture to cultivate again, but the country of 80% is upland, in farming agrarian technology is returned not quite the ancient time that develop, people lives here or have very great difficulty, development rate is not accordingly high, hunan is considered as the ground of pretty barren. Past dynasties is exiled or demote the official of Hunan is very much, famouser if bend Yu Xi of former, Liu Zongyuan, Liu, Gu Yi,wait a moment.

Period of age the Warring States, the ground of Hunan is subject Hunan country. Qin Shi emperor is unified 6 after closing, set the county in Guizhou, Changsha county. Han Chaoshi, hunan area cent is county of hill of Changsha country, fierce, Gui Yang county and 0 hill county, feudal provincial or prefectural governor of state putting in chaste tree 's charge administer; After emperor of article of the Sui Dynasty unites the whole nation, this world of hill of Changsha, Wu Ling, Ba Ling, Yuan, Li, Heng Shan, Gui Yang, 0 hill are set in Hunan churchyard 8 county.

Observation of Hunan of Tang Chao buy makes, road of Hunan of chaste tree of buy of Northen Song Dynasty. Lake extensive travel is belonged to to save south Yuan Minghu. Hunan appears as a province alone, and and area cardinal principle is consistent nowadays, be in quiet day period.

" Hunan Province annals " on say: "Kang Xi 3 years, buy Hunan cloth politics make manage, for Hunan Province. " this kind of view should be some problems, because press clear the seat of a monarchical government primitive historical data " clear memoir " account, kang Xi 3 years not buy Hunan cloth politics make manage, the cloth that is stationed in Changsha at that time politics make, 2 cloth politics that still are lake wide province make one of---The lake is wide right cloth politics make. Because of Qing Dynasty first when the area under administration of every province is very big, a cloth politics makes busy come nevertheless, a lot of provinces have the left and right sides cloth politics makes two people. Till Kang Xi 6 years July, chancellery goes up scanty dismiss an official, each province leaves a cloth politics to make only. Changjiang Delta, Shaanxi, lake is wide 3 provinces belong to special case, withhold two cloth politics to make, but press place where troops are stationed incognito, the lake is wide right cloth politics make change call Hunan cloth politics make. But, lake wide province is not right now apart, hunan cloth politics make department or be subordinate to belong to lake wide province.

3 years lake wide province sets Kang Xi two make one's rounds are stroked, lake wide make one's rounds strokes a director today Hubei churchyard area 8 government office: Wu Chang, Han Yang, Huang Zhou, install land, heart, Yun is this world of Jing Zhou, assist, in relief; Slant Yuan make one's rounds strokes a director today Hunan churchyard area: Changsha, judge city, always city of city, Bao Qing, celestial bodies, constant heart, high mountain city two administrative divisions of 7 government office and Chen city, pacify state.

Wait for the official circles malady that appears possibly to avoid malpractice, avenge a person in the name of public interests, quiet government official holds a post fill a vacancy all implements very rigid evasive system, especially official of the Han people, this official that visit home town cannot take up the post of this province post. But arrived Yong Zhengchao, yong Zheng emperor thinks through, think the province territory under one's control such as wide like the lake, Changjiang Delta, Shaanxi is real too big, set two make one's rounds to stroke all canal again, omit it's nothing with two actually too big distinction, can make a change a bit, hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shaanxi, Gansu Province can serve as different province to handle.

" clear memoir " in account, yong Zheng emperor says in issueing ministerial instruct decree: "... the upper Changjiang region of Changjiang Delta, lower reaches of the Changjiang River, the Hubei with wide lake, Hunan, the Xi'an of Shaanxi, Gansu Province, although be together in one province, and with a vast territory, apart is very far... " , can see from which, hunan, Hubei still did not divide a province at that time, be being returned in mouth of Yong Zheng's emperor at least is a province, save the canton with one so big step, yong Zheng emperor should not make a mistake. But Yong Zheng 7 years (1729) , the aim below Yong Zheng emperor cancels Hunan, Hubei between evasive make, treat with different province, can be being regarded is province of cent of lake wide essence, hunan Province indicates with what alone province appears. More history is geographical, pay close attention to date of small letter public please: Map emperor

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