Be in rural country, dare you get on such toilet?

Be in rural country, dare you get on such toilet?

I dare not say others, anyway my child reached rural grandmother home, dare not go up toilet. On hold back a few hours, time run toward toilet first in the home! This I dare not blame her fragile, because the village tentativelies in one's childhood toilet story is a little funny comical!

That is to going up when one grade just termed begins, rise in the morning, the humor is good, carrying satchel on the back to singing a song, of skipping and hopping go forth, viatic turning is oneself toilet, the classroom can be received continuously after wanting to go to the lavatory, hum move song went in, the board that did not think of the foot falls is raised with respect to side come, left leg fell into mucky crock at a draught in, fortunately a leg still stays above, two hands are helped up was in the ground, crying to help at the same time! One neighbour too the grandma heard, drag me, which smelly! Also frighten continuously inside the heart shiver.

Await the toilet of farmhouse person in those days, dig a hole in underground mostly, bury an earthen jar of big porcelain water, two board are worn to form above, the child with small age is dropped is in the toilet often thing, it is mostly so in wild country relieve oneself.

Be in the country in the past, pursue on the drought that such toilet already had been lavatory, although do not have a top child, but the wall crosses poll high, you are in at least inside on outside the toilet also the person cannot see, when others is close to a toilet, you are in inside hum, others with respect to go no further!

And the commonnest is next graphs such, the enclosing wall of the toilet is low short, more those who want ** lot is, such toilet to hide flavour, not be to be set in farmhouse courtyard in, be set on the road however, walking along transient people is take in everything in a glance to the buttock inside.

The people that had ashamed feeling so also begins to consider to improve a toilet!

Present rural toilet is built in rural courtyard mostly in the corner Ga La in, although have little enclosing wall only, be in again alone in the courtyard, it is certain to had accordingly secret quality. Many other peoples still built special toilet, conditional also did water to develop type, before conditional comparing a lot of, but still have the on land above continuance of rural area of a few backward areas lavatory habit. But the flavour of that toilet and construction still can be compared rarely on the closestool in urban building is clean!

Small toilet, big the people's livelihood! Of the transitional report of rural toilet is the development of the progress of the times and society. Etc when the dot in the city dreads no longer when rural toilet, then urban and rural unifinication came true truly. Do you feel?

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